Wednesday, September 15, 2010

X-Men Origins : Wolverine

Welcome to another episode of The "D" List.

Today's movie is X-Men Origins: Wolverine Written by David Benioff and Skip Woods. Directed by Gavin Hood.

Ok Boys and Girls. Here we are. The summer movie season has officially begun with one of the year's most anticipated films. X-Men Origins: Wolverine. For those of you not familiar with the ongoing press this film has gotten over the past few weeks, allow me to enlighten you. A pirated version of the film made it's way on to the internet. Once the word got out the geek culture attacked the film like A-Rod attacks hypodermic needles.

Anyway the version of the film was incomplete with scenes missing and unfinished effects. That didn't stop the outcry of FOUL!!!!! The negative response from these impatient, basement dwelling, "need a lifer's" forced 20th Century Fox into damage control despite published reports that the film was going through re-shoots at the studios request during the time of the "leak." This wave of negative juju put the film in a bad light at release time and as a result it has been hammered by critics and Wolvie geeks around the country.

Now I consider myself a big time geek. And I am a fan of Wolverine and the X-Men universe. I am not however a full blown authority on the comics or Wolverine's true origin. Having said that I can see why the true blood fans of the character and the comics will have a problem with this film. This version takes some serious liberties with the source material but in my opinion it works. I won't say what was different because it will spoil the plot.

I prefer to comment on my interpretation of what I thought was a very fun, entertaining film. As we all know comic book movies have become the rage in Hollywood. And by my count there have only been a handful of truly solid film versions of these classic literary characters. Yes I said literary. If you think that comic books are not literature then we need to sit down and have a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG chat.

The story of X-Men Origins: Wolverine mainly focuses on one of Marvel's most popular characters if not the most popular in the X-Men world. Played once again by the masterful Hugh "Jacked" Jackman and let me tell you, he was JACKED. He had to have put on about 10-15 lbs of solid muscle for this role and it shows. The film chronicles his life as a child from when he realizes he's a mutant to the time he's recruited to join a "special" team of mutants to carry out black ops for the government.

The film kind of goes on it's own way after that which is where most fans are going to go berserk. I had no problem with how the film plays at that point and I have 2 main reasons why.

1) Hugh Jackman. He owns the character just like he did in the previous 3 X-Men films. He has so much power behind his eyes that you truly believe that he is Wolverine.

2) This is the big one. This is a RE-IMAGINATION of Wolverine's origin. When you are re-imagining the creation of a character it's always going to be a little out of left field from the source material. Now most of you may ask "Why do that in the 1st place when the source material is good enough?" And I say for the most part you would be correct in asking that. In fact I would incline to be on that side of the fence. But when the story doesn't really suffer from the "tweaks" that were made then I say no harm no foul.

If you are still inclined to argue then let me back my point up with some recent examples.

I think it's safe to say that Spider-Man has been a pretty solid Marvel franchise and with exception to the 3rd installment the 1st 2 films were pretty damn good. Now did anyone care or complain when it was revealed that Peter Parker's webbing came from his body and that he didn't physically invent his web shooters. That was a pretty big geek moment and the film just tossed it aside. Last time I checked there was no crying then.

I know what you're thinking....Spiderman and his webs??????? That was pretty weak "D" well then try this one on for size.

Batman Begins. In that film everyone's favorite Gotham City crime fighter was trained by the film's villain Raz Al Ghul. That's not how I remember Bruce Wayne honing his skills in the original Detective Comics. Or in the Dark Knight. Did anyone go nuts when there was no back story to the Joker. He just comes out of nowhere and wreaks havoc. I didn't hear anyone bitching then either. And why??????????? Because THEY WERE GOOD MOVIES!!!!!!

Having said that, this film is not perfect by any means. They introduce some very popular characters but because the focus is on Wolverine their screen time is very limited and it feels like a tease. This is most obvious when dealing with Gambit. Another popular character in the X-Men universe. He's so underused that you want more and it's a shame. Hopefully he will return in future sequels or get his own origins film. This will be another complaint for Wolverine haters.

Because these comic books are loved so much by fans. The blinders are put on when watching the film adaptations. I am guilty of doing the same thing until recently. I now choose to see these films with an open mind and judge for myself after the fact. I have found that tactic to be much more pleasurable for me.

That mindset is easier said than done and it's not for everyone but it works for me. I know that I probably will be in the minority group but I enjoyed X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

On the 5 star scale X-Men Origins: Wolverine gets 4 stars and a "Go See It" recommendation. Part of me wanted to give a "Worth Every Penny" recommendation but the film had some issues that drops it down a notch.

That's it for the 1st of many summer blockbusters that I intend to partake this year. I will return with my review of Fighting. I need to take a step back before I write this review. Why do you ask? Because this film made me so angry that I feel it's best to reign in my hostility so I can calmly explain and describe why Fighting was the WORST MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!! Yes I said it and I mean it. The WORST I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!

Until Next Episode....I'll Save You A Seat!


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